Lhasa Climate Chart

The best time to visit Lhasa or Tibet. Generally speaking, the best time to visit Lhasa is during months May, June, July, August and September when the average temperatures are perhaps a little cooler than preferred but still a pleasant 10°C / 50.0°F to 20°C / 68.0°F. If you don’t mind bringing a coat, you might also enjoy visiting Lhasa during February, March, April, October and November but average temperatures are fairly cool (between 0°C / 32.0°F and 10°C / 50.0°F). Here we share the Lhasa climate chart with monthly temperature for your reference.

See below for the average temperatures across the year in °C.

Month: Avg Temperature in °C Max Temperature in °C Min Temperature in °C
Jan -1.6 6.9 -10.1
Feb 1.1 9 -6.8
Mar 4.55 12.1 -3
Apr 8.25 15.6 0.9
May 12.15 19.3 5
Jun 16 22.7 9.3
Jul 16.1 22.1 10.1
Aug 15.25 21.1 9.4
Sep 13.6 19.7 7.5
Oct 8.8 16.3 1.3
Nov 3.15 11.2 -4.9
Dec -0.65 7.7 -9


This following table is for the average temperatures across the year in °F

Month: Avg Temperature in °F Max Temperature in °F Min Temperature in °F
Jan 29.1 44.4 13.8
Feb 34.0 48.2 19.8
Mar 40.2 53.8 26.6
Apr 46.9 60.1 33.6
May 53.9 66.7 41.0
Jun 60.8 72.9 48.7
Jul 61.0 71.8 50.2
Aug 59.5 70.0 48.9
Sep 56.5 67.5 45.5
Oct 47.8 61.3 34.3
Nov 37.7 52.2 23.2
Dec 30.8 45.9 15.8

For rainfall parameters:

Month: Total rainfall in MM Total rainfall in Inches Total number of rainy days Chances of rain
Jan 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.6%
Feb 0.7 0.0 0.2 0.7%
Mar 2 0.1 0.5 1.6%
Apr 5.2 0.2 1.3 4.3%
May 26.6 1.0 5.3 17.1%
Jun 72.3 2.8 9.6 32.0%
Jul 119.4 4.7 14.8 47.7%
Aug 122.6 4.8 15.3 49.4%
Sep 58.3 2.3 10 33.3%
Oct 10.2 0.4 2.3 7.4%
Nov 0.7 0.1 0.4 1.3%
Dec 1 0.0 0.2 0.6%


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